new year resolutions

3 Things You Need to Know About New Years Resolutions

This month, countless people will be making New Years Resolutions, including me!

I know that some aren’t a fan, but I am because I love new beginnings and the motivation and inspiration that a brand new year can stir inside us.

If you’re thinking of making one or more New Years Resolutions, I believe there are 3 things you must know first – that is, if you want to not just make them, but keep them this year.

So before you go about writing out those New Years Resolutions, consider my 3 tips before putting pen to paper.

Tip #1: Realize that it takes anywhere between 21 days and 1 year to make a habit stick

When I was a personal trainer, I would see flocks of people come into the gym in January, only to see fewer and fewer people stick to it as the weeks and months went on.

A huge reason is because most don’t understand that it takes time and patience to develop a new healthy habit.

When you’re creating your goals for the year, be sure to take into account the fact that it will take small changes over time which requires patience + persistence (having both at the same time, not just one or the other).

The alternative is creating goals that are too big at first, only to find yourself quitting too soon, before it becomes a habit.

If you need help creating realistic goals for yourself, reach out to me for help.

Tip #2: Instead of trying to fix what you did wrong in 2017, it’s more effective to build on what you did right

One mistake people make when creating New Years Resolutions is focusing on fixing what went wrong in the previous year.

In my ReINVENT Your Health course, I emphasize the importance of building on what’s going right instead.

This is a more effective approach because we’re more likely to be successful in the long run when we build on our strengths, rather than trying to “fix” our weaknesses.

When you’re creating your goals for 2018, think about the things that you’re doing right (or at least doing “okay”).

How can you build on those this year?

Like I mention in the first tip, I’m here to help you do this too.

Tip #3: Write down the lessons you learned in 2017 and consider how you’ll apply them in 2018.

In my live workshop, I share a quote from Albert Einstein that the ladies in attendance usually finish out loud for me:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”

As we look to this brand new year, if you want things to be different in 2018, you have to do something different.

This means taking some time to write out the lessons you learned last year and not stopping there – you must apply these lessons in 2018.

Otherwise, you’ll just be repeating the same old habits and behaviors that got you to feeling dissatisfied in certain areas you want to improve.

I have my clients do this and we spend time talking about them on our call.

So, grab a good friend or two who are also into personal growth and self-improvement and ask them to share their biggest lessons with you and vice versa.

It’s a great way to hold each other accountable this year.

If you don’t have anyone to do this with, consider coming on board with me and I’ll help you navigate this process so that you stay on track this year with what you want to accomplish.

In summary, when making New Years Resolutions this year, focus on small changes, build on last year’s wins, and apply the lessons you learned last year to 2018.

I promise that if you do just these 3 things, you will greatly raise your chances of keeping your New Years Resolutions in 2018.

When others begin to fall off the wagon (which they unfortunately will), you’ll still be moving along – I’d love to see that for you.

If you are looking for some extra support, accountability, and guidance this year, consider taking a look at my Healthiest Year Ever packages.

I have some great deals going on right now until January 19th.

I made sure to offer something that fits just about every budget and need.

Check them out today HERE.

I hope I get the opportunity to help you make 2018 your Healthiest Year Ever.



Click the image to see my Healthiest Year Ever Packages.
Discounts end January 19th, 2018.