It’s Not “What”, But “Who”
A very wise man once told me, “Kim, it’s not ‘what’ you have in your life, but ‘who’ you have in your life that counts.” Did you know that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with? Think about those people. Who do you converse with on a regular basis? Who are your core sets of friends, family, co-workers, etc.?
If you could put these people into categories, do you find a similarity?
- Are they generally positive or negative people?
- Are they mostly healthy or unhealthy people?
- Are they mainly supportive or unsupportive people?
- Are they essentially happy or unhappy people?
- Do they fundamentally make good choices that serve and empower them, or do they tend to often make poor choices that cause them to take steps back rather than forward?
Which person are you? Which kind of person are you attracting into your life based on the person that you are?
Now, think about the five people you WANT to have in your life. Maybe they are real people that you know or maybe they are people you haven’t met yet but you would love to have someone in your life just like them. What qualities do these people have?
Personally, on my journey, I like to travel light. I don’t have a big group of friends, but I do have a very small group of close friends, a mentor and a mastermind group that I am a part of. I try to surround myself with people who make me better. I’m not interested in being a part of a group where I’m the smartest or wisest person, nor do I look for friends and colleagues who aren’t positive people. Nothing sucks the life out of me quicker than being around a “Debbie Downer” all the time.
What’s important always comes down to what you want. You don’t get into your car and just start driving without knowing the destination first. Knowing what you want takes time. It takes learning who you are and learning who you’re not! Continue (or begin!) the process of meditating, reflecting, and journaling. YOU have the answers, even if you haven’t uncovered them yet!
Remember that success on the journey we call life is a process, not a destination. Don’t underestimate the power of “who” you have in your life. They can either steer you in the direction of the vision of your best self or they can hinder that process. I always like to say that it’s easier to add than subtract from your diet or in this case, your life! You don’t have to start cutting people out of your life (although sometimes you do!); rather, begin to add the right people for you into your life and begin to watch yourself blossom!
What qualities in others inspire you? Will you share with me on my Facebook page? I’d love to hear about what you look for in a friend or role model.