Entries by Kim

The Biggest Difference Between a “Cheat” and a “Splurge” Meal

Is there a difference between a “cheat” and a “splurge” meal?

Yes, and that difference is BIG.

In fact, this might be one of the most important articles I’ve written, because knowing the difference between the two and changing how you view these so-called “cheat” and “splurge” meals/foods, can be the difference between living a healthy, enjoyable life and taking yourself through a viscous cycle of yo-yo “dieting” year after year.

Summer Produce: What to Buy Organic

Today, I’m going to share with you what 12 fruits and vegetables you should buy organic. You might even find it helpful to print the list out or write them down before your next trip to the grocery store, or just pull it up on your phone the next time you’re in the produce section.

Do’s & Don’ts When Encountering an Obstacle

Today I’m sharing with you five different approaches that are available to you when you encounter an obstacle. These approaches are based on a little field trip I took my clients on back in the day when I was a personal trainer.

Good Nutrition Isn’t Complicated

The diet industry tries to lead people to believe that nutrition is complicated, when it’s actually very simple – it’s healthy, whole foods in an appropriate quantity.