Entries by Kim

Frustrated with the diet industry? Join the club.

Last week, I shared with you a new term I created: Modern Health Enthusiast, in order to set the tone for the next five weeks where I’ll be breaking down my 5 Ways to become a “Modern Health Enthusiast,” inspired by the recent Time magazine article “The Weight Loss Trap”.

When It Gets Hard and You Want to Quit

We’ve all been there, especially if it’s a Sunday…

We’re at the grocery store with our shopping cart full and ready to head to the checkout line.

As I make my way to the front of the store, I scan the length of the lines, “What checkout lane should I chose?”

The one with the shortest line, of course.

I get in the shortest line and wait… and wait……… and wait…

Oh! But that line next to you? It’s moving rather quickly now.

Your line is taking too long and you think, “I’d be foolish to stay in this line if that line over there is moving more quickly.”

Reignite Your Zest for Life in Midlife

When I count my blessings, one of them is always the fact that I know such amazing women who also share my mission of empowering women in midlife, but serve them in various ways.

One woman in particular I wanted to highlight today, because our messages are so aligned, is Midlife Fulfillment Coach Maria Allyn.