healthy restaurant eating

3 Tips for Making a Healthy Choice at a Restaurant

It was my birthday last weekend and I did one of my favorite things… I ate. I didn’t overeat, but I ate most of the foods I love that I don’t eat on a regular basis (because they wouldn’t be considered the “healthiest”). I’ll admit it, my birthday was on a Saturday, but I “celebrated” all weekend.

Health, Your Greatest Wealth

In my "ReINVENT Your Health" 6-week online course, I teach about growth, fixed, and mixed mindsets, but what about an inner abundance mindset? It was a treat to be a recent guest on Jolen Philbrook’s “Inner Abundant Mindset Podcast,” where she helps women move past their limiting beliefs and toward a “wealthy” mindset.
weight loss midlife

Beware: Not All Spring “Leaning” Challenges Are For You

It’s the time of year when I start seeing a lot of weight loss challenges that promise to help you “lean in spring” coming up on my Facebook newsfeed. I’m not surprised because when I was a trainer, this was the time of year the gym started getting busy again, second to January, because April seems to serve as sort of a “wake-up call” to get back in action if they’ve been neglecting the health and fitness goals they set out to accomplish in the beginning of the year.
confidence women midlife

Confidence: Too Much of a Good Thing?

There are certain occasions where having confidence serves you well – when you’re trying to land a job, dating, giving a presentation, etc. However, there is a time when being overly confident can actually hurt you, and it has to do with your health. While you do need some confidence when it comes to making lasting changes to your health and well-being, there is such a thing as being overly confident.

Be the Tortoise, Not the Hare

I had the honor of being invited back to the Fun. Feisty. Fabulous Podcast with the exuberant hosts Karyn Beach and Jean Day. “Fun. Feisty. Fabulous is a podcast for people in their 40s and 50s who know that life doesn't end at 40 but that it begins again. This time it is about you - your passions, your desires, your way.”

The Power of One Minute

At the end of each year, I ask my clients to complete some questions that help them reflect on the past year, as well as look forward to what they want to accomplish in the year to come.
mindfulness midlife

Stop, Look, and Listen

One of my busy clients who has a husband, three daughters (two who still live at home), and runs three successful businesses (yes, three!) recently started carving out some time to go for a walk around her neighborhood. Besides the fact that she learned that she likes being outside and taking in the fresh air, she also discovered something interesting.
weight in midlife

Weight, Size, and the Law of Diminishing Returns

On a podcast I was listening to the other day, the two guys on the show began talking about how much money we need to make to actually make us happy. The study they were talking about said that that number is around $60-75K – basically enough to allow one to live comfortably in most places in the U.S. Interestingly, they also found that making a lot more than that doesn’t necessarily correlate to more happiness or higher emotional well-being.

What it Takes to FLOURISH in Midlife

I was recently a guest on the Fit ‘n Chips Chats Podcast which offers health and wellness advice for women over 40. Host Amanda Thebe asked me questions about the importance of FLOURISHING and why I recommend women in midlife put more attention on these 5 areas of flourishing.
midlife lessons

7 Lessons Midlife Women Can Take From Olympians

Did you enjoy the Olympics? I sure did – I find them motivating, especially because I always seem to find so many lessons in their journey of an Olympian that apply to women in midlife as well – women who are in pursuit of their best physical, mental, and emotional self.
healhty vacation tips

Do’s & Don’ts: How to Get Back on Track After a Vacation

My parents, partner, and I recently got back from an awesome trip to Washington DC. We had a great time exploring the city together, which also included indulging in all kinds of delicious foods I don’t normally eat at home. I like to say I come from an eating family — we like to eat... Heck, we LOVE it!

Is Self-Care Selfish?

There’s a word that comes up quite often when I talk with women in midlife: “I need to be more selfish with my time.” “But, I don’t want to seem selfish.” “Geez, I’m using the word ‘Me’ and ‘I’ a lot and it sounds selfish.” That word “selfish” comes up a lot because I talk to ladies every day who have put themselves last on their list for too long. They have been so “self-LESS” throughout their lives that their health has suffered a little or a lot as a result and hence, they reach out to me because now in their midlife years, they are ready to refocus on taking care of themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Schedule a 20-minute consulation with Kim!

Schedule a 20-minute call during my Office Hours to talk with me about where you are and where you want to be.

You can ask me any questions you might have and we can determine if we’re the right match for each other.