Cultivate These Relationships This Holiday Season
Do you have your copy of my Merry & Light Holiday Checklist yet?
If not, it’s not too late!
#4 on the Checklist is to avoid negative family members if possible – AKA those who drain your energy.
In the Checklist, I go on to say why this matters:
The holidays and family go hand-in-hand and nothing can kill a good mood quicker than being around a family member who always has a rainy cloud over their head (you know who they are!).
This goes for friends, co-workers, and neighbors too.
Limit your time with them as much as possible to keep your stress level down, because we know that stress not only raises your blood pressure, but it releases cortisol into your body which causes you to hold on to fat, among other health implications over time.
What’s more, when we feel stressed, we tend to make poor food choices – not a good combination with all the tempting holiday treats around this time of year!
So, yes, while it’s important to avoid spending time with people who bring you down this holiday season, here’s something else that’s just as important.
What’s equally important is to spend time with those who bring you energy.
Unlike “energy vampires” who suck the energy from you, these are the people in your life who bring you energy – family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. – who make you feel, shall I say, emotionally “merry and light” after being around them.
These people aren’t always trying to ask you for something or to do something for them; rather, they are interested in hearing about you and what’s going on in your life, and vice versa.
Your intuition (AKA your wisdom) kicks in and you can feel a sense of good energy when you’re with them.
Can you think of these people in your life?
Whenever you’re around people like this, consider it a gift.
And like a gift, receive it – try to enjoy their company completely.
Here’s how:
- Focus on being completely present in their presence.
- Absorb their good energy and let it sink in.
- Feel the gratitude and then tell them how much you appreciate them and why.
In the Blue Zones, we learned how important healthy social interaction is between women.
If we want to live in a world where women uplift, celebrate, and empower each other (instead of tearing each other down), then we must begin to build this practice within ourselves and the women we choose to spend our precious time with.
This holiday season, instead of just avoiding those who bring you down, seek out the women who build you up and truly want the best for you and you for them — these are healthy relationships.
Thank them for being in your life and consider making it a point to see them more in the coming year and ask if they want the same.
Then, follow through – don’t let it slip through the cracks.
Schedule in a regular time to get together, if even over the phone or Skype if you can’t in person.
Healthy social interaction isn’t just about your happiness, but also your health.
In other words, your health and well-being isn’t only about what you eat and how often you exercise; it’s also who you spend time with, how those people make you feel about yourself, and building and growing these healthy relationships in your midlife years.
Do this and you might just see yourself getting better in those other areas of your health and well-being like the 4 big areas to focus on: Your Sleep, Food, Mood, and Exercise habits.
So today, who are 3-5 women who come to mind that bring you energy, good vibes, and a positive mood?
Find your people, cultivate these relationships, and continue to build on who you spend your precious time and energy with this holiday season and into the New Year.
It’s your turn to take care of you,
Don’t “fall” back into old habits this season…
I’m here to help.

Yes, yes, and yes to positive people only!