
Audio Blog: Are you “All In?”

Being “all in” means that you are committed to the entire journey and when the obstacles come your way, you don’t back out now, no you lean into it, you embrace it, you make friends with it.
midlife fitness

3 Often Overlooked Exercise Benefits

There are few things that offer a greater return on investment than that of exercise. Sure, exercise can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, but, as with all investments, the key question to ask yourself is: “Is it worth it?”
Gaining health in midlife

You Are Adapting – But In the Right Direction?

I spent seven years of formal education learning how the body adapts to change. Simply put, what I learned is that the body is constantly changing – it’s always moving in a direction… and you are the driver.
Midlife Exercise Help

Big Tip #2: 5 Big Exercise Tips That Will Keep You Fit For Life

Big Tip #2: Keep Exercise Challenging If you’re going to make the effort to workout, you might as well try to challenge yourself. There are many ways to do that. One way is to try different types of physical activity – maybe things you’ve always wanted to try or that look fun, but you haven’t mustered up the courage to try yet.
Exercise tips midlife

Big Tip #1: 5 Big Exercise Tips That Will Keep You Fit For Life

For the next five weeks, I’m sharing 5 Big Exercise Tips That Will Keep You Fit For Life. I created this for midlife women who have already made the commitment to making regular physical activity a part of their life for the rest of their lives, as well as for those who have already begun to take the smallest action toward regular physical activity and want to make sure they are able to stick with it.