
A Tribute to Louise Hay – My Top 10 Favorite Quotes

Louise Hay was best known as a motivational author, speaker, and founder of the publishing firm Hay House. She’s had a tremendous influence in the lives of women – empowering them to own their power, remove self-doubt and negative thinking, and create the future they desire.
big announcement

A little BIG announcement

You may or may not have heard how I became a wellness coach for women in their fifties. I feel like I’ve been on an amazing journey of self-discovery, and I continue to be open to what’s stirring inside of me. I recently went on a personal retreat to ponder one question: “Will I continue to serve ONLY women in their fifties?” Today, I am ready to share with you the answer to that question.
get back on track

Time For a U-Turn: How to Use Labor Day to Get Back on Track

Although we officially still have almost a whole month of summer left (fall season begins 9/21), the day after Labor Day can often feel like the end of summer, especially for those who are teachers, counselors, and others in academic careers. If you have kids in college, they might be headed back to school as well.

The Biggest Difference Between a “Cheat” and a “Splurge” Meal

Is there a difference between a “cheat” and a “splurge” meal? Yes, and that difference is BIG. In fact, this might be one of the most important articles I’ve written, because knowing the difference between the two and changing how you view these so-called “cheat” and “splurge” meals/foods, can be the difference between living a healthy, enjoyable life and taking yourself through a viscous cycle of yo-yo “dieting” year after year.
facing obstacles

Do’s & Don’ts When Encountering an Obstacle

Today I’m sharing with you five different approaches that are available to you when you encounter an obstacle. These approaches are based on a little field trip I took my clients on back in the day when I was a personal trainer.

Are You a Modern Health Enthusiast?

I’m going to create a new term and you’re the first to hear it: Modern Health Enthusiast. Do you like it? Let me explain a little more…
Maria Allyn

Reignite Your Zest for Life in Midlife

When I count my blessings, one of them is always the fact that I know such amazing women who also share my mission of empowering women in midlife, but serve them in various ways. One woman in particular I wanted to highlight today, because our messages are so aligned, is Midlife Fulfillment Coach Maria Allyn.
self care coach

When You Feel Good…

When we feel good ABOUT ourselves, we do good FOR ourselves. In my Flourishing 50s community, our Guest Expert last month was also a wellness coach and she said shared with us something so simple and so true:
womens life coach

Redwood Retreat Recap Part I: 5 Things We Can Learn From Redwood Trees

Last October when I started planning my very first retreat up in the Redwoods in Northern California, I eagerly started learning everything I could about Redwood trees. From my own research on the Internet to every documentary on them I could find, I learned so much and I’m so glad I did.
self love

Happy Self-Love Day!

Yes, it’s actually a thing – Self-Love Day is February 13th and…