mid life women_coaching

Why Health Is Not For Everyone

Being an entrepreneur is tough. I’ve realized over the last few years that in order to build a successful business, it takes preparation, learning, taking risks, making mistakes, trial and error, a ton of resilience, and the ability to trust the process while keeping your eye on the long-term. Honestly, I don’t believe entrepreneurship is for everyone and that’s okay. Likewise, I don’t think health is for everyone. Don’t get me wrong. I wish thriving health for everyone, but like building a thriving business, building thriving health just isn’t for everyone.

You see, like a healthy business, a healthy life is not freely given. Rather, it must be earned. It must be worked for. It must be sacrificed for. Having thriving health, like having a thriving business, must also involve preparation, learning, taking risks, making mistakes, trial and error, a ton of resilience, and the ability to trust the process while keeping your eye on the long-term.

That’s why I don’t think it’s for everyone. So, before committing to creating a healthy life, I believe the question to ask yourself is, “Am I willing to go through the hard stuff in order to reap the rewards?”

Are willing to purchase healthier foods even though they may cost you little more money?

Are you willing to bring those purchased vegetables home, wash them, and chop them?

Are you willing to shut your electronics off earlier each night and get to bed at an earlier hour?

Are you willing to set aside some time each day or each week to spend some time journaling, reading, and learning more about yourself?

Are you willing to remove or lessen your time with some negative people in your life?

Am I willing to seek out one or a few other people who will keep me accountable, encouraged, and supported on this journey?

The list can go on and on.

What I’ve realized in creating both a healthy life and a healthy business is that you don’t have to do everything today, but you must move forward somehow everyday.

If you want to build thriving health for the decades to come, it’s going to take a daily effort that will start off hard (because everything is hard at first), but over time as you begin to watch yourself make progress, even the smallest progress, it becomes easier. It becomes easier because you become better at it. Plus, the additional boost of confidence you get when you start to see yourself look, feel, and perform better, motivates you to continue on the journey because you see that it’s worth it. What’s more, those around you will be inspired and encouraged by your efforts and transformation they see in you along the way.

Are you willing to do what it takes TODAY in order to live the healthy life that you wish to live tomorrow and for the decades to come?

Wishing you joyful health in your 50’s,

4 replies
  1. Bernadette Czegledy
    Bernadette Czegledy says:

    Great insight and perspective. A lifestyle change of any kind, takes work.You have to come off auto pilot and really be open to asking yourself why and telling yourself your reasons are valuable. It’s all about time, what I learned about my strengths was that I manage better when it’s scheduled so it helps now to commit to my me time. Thanks Kim!

    • Kim Acedo
      Kim Acedo says:

      You’re absolutely right, Bernadette. A lot of people jump in without realizing that they’re going to have to “work” at it! Yes, it’s so great that you determined your strengths in my ReINVENT Your Health program – that was a game-changer for you! Thanks for sharing, Bernadette! 🙂

  2. Heidi BK Sloss
    Heidi BK Sloss says:

    Interesting premise. Frankly I don’t think anyone can afford not to commit to their own health. I hear from a lot that people that they don’t have the time, and I struggle with it too, but the reality is that we all pay at some point. Either we pay in time now OR in bad health/illness later.

    • Kim Acedo
      Kim Acedo says:

      I hear the time issue a lot too, Heidi. I’ve found that there are usually a few reasons for giving the time reason:
      1) They don’t realize they have more time than they think
      2) Time is an easy excuse since the majority of people claim to be busy, so we should “understand”
      3) They really just don’t want to put the work in because it’s hard or it takes too long

      But like you said, we either pay now or pay later. Unfortunately, oftentimes it takes more time later AND more money later, not to mention the pain and suffering. That’s why I’m so adamant on speaking my message that the best time is NOW. However, like I say in my article, health just isn’t for everyone. Not all are willing to do the work.

      Thanks for sharing as always, Heidi! 🙂

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